Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Video Blog #5: A Trip to the Little Sur River

Here is Video Blog #5. This episode takes us to the Little Sur River on a backpack trip. We leave from Botcher's Gap and head down the 2 miles to the river.

This episode has Marc from SwampDweller as a special guest. Also Will from the studio sessions of SophistaFunk (he plays bass) and Dave the guy that owns the studio where it was all recorded.

The music you hear is Marc on saxophone from his project "Bebop & Destruction".

Enjoy the show!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Video blog #4: My Veggie Car

This is a "special edition" of Greg's Video Blog. This episode is the "eyespot cameraphone edition". It was filmed on my cameraphone and edited with the tools at

This video is about my "Veggie Oil Car" that runs off of waste vegetable oil that I get for FREE from behind restaurants. This is a renewable, "No War Required" fuel. Running on Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) is different than biodiesel, as I hope the video shows.

Did I mention that it is FREE?


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Video Blog #3, pt4: Minnesota, The Walker Art Center, Sculpture Gardens, and Art Museum

Here is the final part of the trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota. This day we visited a bunch of art. First we went to the Minneapolis Sculpture Gardens. After that we visited the Walker Art Center. Then we went to the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts.

The music you hear is by a great band out of Seattle, Swampdweller. This song is called 'CrunchTime' and it is off their self titled debut album. I just recently went backpacking and met up with the band leader Marc, out in Big Sur. You can read about it in the SwampDweller blog. Look for the Big Sur episode coming soon!

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Video Blog #3, pt3: Minnesota, the Guthrie Theater.

Here we have a behind the scenes tour of the New Guthrie Theater that is still under construction. This is a very cool building with totally killer design. Also, the blue glass is a trip. I guess it was inspired when French architect Jean Nouvel was skiing and was using different color glasses, or something like that. Music by OM Trio, one of my favorite bands.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Video Blog #3, pt2: Minnesota

We finally made it to Minnesota the next day. This episode is just some random footage and the Mall of America too! In future episodes we will visit the new Guthrie Theater and the Walker Art Center.

Download: WMV | MOV

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Video blog #3: Point Reyes

This is a video of Point Reyes in Marin County, California. We were supposed to have been in Minnesota, but missed the flight. Not to be daunted, we forged on to Point Reyes and had a good time.

Look for the Minnesota trip in future episodes.

Download: WMV | MOV

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

A trip from Felton to downtown San Jose; Video Blog #2

This episode takes us from Felton to downtown San Jose.

Make sure to look for the Bigfoot Museum towards the beginning of the journey. The building we end up in is the Rotunda at City Hall, the newest building in Downtown Silicon Valley.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Special Features for Fall Creek video blog Episode #1

If you have not seen the video blog episode that this footage is from, go and view it now. If you have already seen that episode, and want to see more of Fall Creek, set to music, then check it out.

Download: WMV | MOV

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Fall Creek Redwoods and some surfing too! Video Blog Episode #1

Welcome to the first post of the video blog.

This episode finds us viewing some surfers at Steamer's Lane in Santa Cruz and then up to the Redwoods at Fall Creek in Felton.


Download: WMV | MOV